Attractions and courses, company retreats in the Canary Islands

We offer bespoke training, workshops and expeditions in the Canaries. It is an alternative to standard training courses and clichéd ways of visiting Tenerife and Gran Canaria.
Attractions – courses, company retreats in the Canary Islands

Courses and workshops in Tenerife and Gran Canaria:

  • Surfing – courses and camps
  • Paragliding – flights, courses
  • Diving expeditions
  • Climbing + trekking
  • Astronomy workshops
  • Yoga and meditation course
  • Ocean cruises
  • Bike trips

We operate in the Canary Islands

We currently operate in Tenerife and Gran Canaria. The next step is to extend our range to other islands: Fuerteventura and Lanzarote.

Surfing courses & expeditions

Surfing canarias

Surf course, tours of the island in a surf style

We’ll teach you how to surf in the most evocative surf spots of the Canary Islands. It’s a combo of surf course and island discovery in a cool surfing style: learning, travelling, cooking, getting to know equipment, grasping the nature of surfers and the waves.

Paragliding - courses and camps

paragliding canarias

Paragliding pilot course, paragliding expeditions

Paragliding adventure in the Canary Islands. We offer a combination of a paragliding pilot course and paragliding trips in charming, natural spots in the Canaries: equipment, teachers, course, attractions, a comprehensive service.

Diving courses and expeditions

diving canarias

Diving course, diving expeditions on the islands

You will learn the basics or further develop diving skills during diving trips to charming locations of the Canary Islands: expeditions, diving, cruises, catering, care, ocean chill out, additional attractions.

Rock climbing course

climbing canarias

Rock climbing course

Climbing lessons combined with trekking expeditions In the Canary Islands. It’s a proposition for an adventure in the Canaries’ mountains, for those who want to learn about their geology, history, flora and fauna.

Star gazing – courses and tours

Star gazing canarias

Astronomy workshops: trips + star gazing

It is an opportunity to study astronomy in the natural surroundings of the Canary Islands. Trips to observatories, viewpoints, training, teaching materials, night observation expeditions in the mountains.

Cycling trips: road and mountain

cycling canarias

Bike trips in the Canary Islands

It’s an opportunity for both road and mountain cycling enthusiasts. Expeditions to volcanic peaks or extreme adrenaline tracks for off-road fans. Cycling attractions, exploring the islands, outdoor fun.

Ocean cruises – dolphin watching

cruises canarias

Ocean cruises – expeditions, education, relaxation

Catamaran or yacht cruises during which you will see the Canaries’ whales and dolphins in the wild, get to explore the islands from the ocean, learn about the animals and local nature, and learn the basics of marine navigation.

Yoga and meditation courses

yoga canarias

Yoga and meditation workshops in the Canary Islands

It is a combination of meditation trips with an exploration of the islands, their natural corners and canarian eco-cuisine. Regeneration, relaxation and discovery of yoga and meditation techniques in places of energy of the Canaries.

Attractions and courses, company retreats in the Canary Islands

We offer bespoke training, workshops and expeditions in the Canaries. It is an alternative to standard training courses and clichéd ways of visiting Tenerife and Gran Canaria.
Attractions – courses, company retreats in the Canary Islands

Courses and workshops in Tenerife and Gran Canaria:

  • Surfing – courses and camps
  • Paragliding – flights, courses
  • Diving expeditions
  • Climbing + trekking
  • Astronomy workshops
  • Yoga and meditation course
  • Ocean cruises
  • Bike trips


Surfing course, tours of the island in a surfing style

Surfing canarias

We’ll teach you how to surf in the most evocative surf spots of the Canary Islands. It’s a combo of surf course and island discovery in a cool surfing style: learning, travelling, cooking, getting to know equipment, grasping the nature of surfers and the waves.


Paragliding pilot course, paragliding expeditions

paragliding canarias

Paragliding adventure in the Canary Islands. We offer a combination of a paragliding pilot course and paragliding trips in charming, natural spots in the Canaries: equipment, teachers, course, attractions, a comprehensive service.

Diving courses

Diving course, diving expeditions on the islands

diving canarias

You will learn the basics or further develop diving skills during diving trips to charming locations of the Canary Islands: expeditions, diving, cruises, catering, care, ocean chill out, additional attractions.

Rock climbing course

Rock climbing course – climbing trips

climbing canarias

Climbing lessons combined with trekking expeditions In the Canary Islands. It’s a proposition for an adventure in the Canaries’ mountains, for those who want to learn about their geology, history, flora and fauna,

Star gazing

Astronomy workshops: trips + star gazing

Star gazing canarias

It is an opportunity to study astronomy in the natural surroundings of the Canary Islands. Trips to observatories, viewpoints, training, teaching materials, night observation expeditions in the mountains.

Cycling trips

Bike trips in the Canary Islands

cycling canarias

It’s an opportunity for both road and mountain cycling enthusiasts. Expeditions to volcanic peaks or extreme adrenaline tracks for off-road fans. Cycling attractions, exploring the islands, outdoor fun.

Ocean cruises

Ocean cruises – expeditions, education, relaxation

 cruises canarias

Catamaran or yacht cruises during which you will see the Canaries’ whales and dolphins in the wild, get to explore the islands from the ocean, learn about the animals and local nature, and learn the basics of marine navigation.

Yoga and meditation courses

Yoga and meditation workshops in the Canary Islands

yoga canarias

It is a combination of meditation trips with an exploration of the islands, their natural corners and canarian eco-cuisine. Regeneration, relaxation and discovery of yoga and meditation techniques in places of energy of the Canaries.

We organise all facilities for companies and employees in the Canary Islands

Destination Gran Canaria and Tenerife. Why with us?

We know the reality of the Canaries

We were born or have lived on the islands for years.

We understand business in the Canaries

We have worked for local agencies and corporations. We run our own businesses here.

We know the rules of the Canaries

We have created brands, events and facilities for company and team work.

We know the pitfalls of the Islands

We know how to make an efficient start and how to acclimatise quickly on the islands.

We organise all facilities for companies and employees in the Canary Islands

Destination Gran Canaria and Tenerife. Why with us?

We know the reality of the Canaries

We were born or have lived on the islands for years.

We understand business in the Canaries

We worked for local companies and run our businesses here.

We understand the Canary Islands

We have created brands, events and facilities for company and team work.

We know the pitfalls of the Islands

We will help you to make a quick start and settle in.


digital nomad canary islands

Jakub Norek

CEO & Production

Contact Form

Contact us to set a date for a free online consultation.



digital nomad canary islands

Jakub Norek

CEO & Production

Contact Form

Contact us to set a date for a free online consultation.